Oundle photographer, family portraits, Northamptonshire

Mother’s Day
For the first 3-4 years, after Lautaro was born, I was really struggling to get used to my “new” body. I was not happy with myself and I was avoiding to be in our family photos … just to realise now, how wrong was I.
My son brought me back to reality. One morning we were playing and cuddling in bed, suddenly he looks at me and says: “I love your face!”. It was hard not to cry and all my insecurities seemed so shallow.
This is my little monkey and I at the beach … 4 years ago :) It is one of the very few selfies I have with my son, when he was 3 years old and this is precious for me (and I am sure, one day it will be precious for him).
Dear mamas, be more present in all the pictures you take of your families. You are the most beautiful person in a whole world for your child. The most important person. Accept and Love yourself. x