Lautaro Miranda Andino
“We closed our eyes and made a wish to have a baby. Lautaro arrived to this world on 14th of July 2013. He is our past, present and future. He is our happiness and LOVE.
Lautaro is the main member of Imaginarium Photography and a true “Boss”. All our meetings and work has to be approved by him. Even phone calls are tricky as he would always try to confiscate our cell phones and delete half of the apps :)
Lautaro has a strong creative flair, especially for drawing, and it is clearly visible on all surfaces at home. He has strong people skills as he enjoys a good laugh, hugs and kisses. He can get a bit grouchy after a nap but he is ready to work after a hot cup of milk; like most of us.
He likes to be part of a picture and also take them! Sometimes both at the same time, which can turn slightly confusing for him.
He is definitely a neat kind of guy, very organised and good at telling people where they should sit and what they should be doing; very valuable when taking group photos.” – Kristina & Diego Miranda Andino (proud parents)
- My Skills - Observing, Repeating, Learning
- My Equipment - sippy cup, nappies, pushchair, legos
- My Likes - the word 'no', milk, bananas, lasagna